Deogiri Institute Of Technology & Management Studies


The Student Forum is the Forum for the students and by the students. This is the platform where students can have their ‘Voice’ on the issues of their concerns. They can plan, design and organize the programs of their choice. The team of teachers monitors and approves the program, designed by the forum. At DITMS student Forum is an opportunity for students to collectively project the ideas and work on them for effective implementation. DITMS provides an autonomy to the forum.


  • To offer them an opportunity to learn management perspective and practices
  • To develop the adaptability
  • To develop team spirit
  • To help them balancing IQ and EQ
  • To excel in communication skills
  • To improve interpersonal communication
  • To inculcate the leadership traits
  • To improve the skills of organizing the event
  • To solve the incidental issues while organizing the program
  • To learn event management
  • This is an opportunity to explore, experiment, and excel

At DITMS following programmes organized by Student Forum. A very unique celebration to mention here is about celebrating Women’s International Day. The Forum took the lead and organized a very special programme on the theme of ‘Breaking the Bias”. The boys and girls expressed their view about the gender bias they experience. The lady teachers were felicitated on the occasion.We encourage the practice of Gender Equity by giving equal opportunity to girls on the executive body of the Forum.


Aniket Lonkar President (Nominated by Executive Body)
Omkar Bharote Coordinator BBA
Adishree Deore Cordinator BCA
Kunal Patil Coordinator BCS
Bhavesh Kathar Members BBA_First_Year
Aranya Nair                                                                                                   
Aranya Nair Members BBA_First_Year
Prathamesh Gawande Members BCA_First_Year
Janhvi Kolte Members BCA_First_Year
Tejas Gaikwad Members BCS_First_Year
Anisha Mahajan Members BCS_First_Year
Satyajeet Khamankar Members BBA_Second_Year
Shweta Pawar Members BBA_Second_Year
Kishor Shinde Members, BCA_Second_Year
Rumaisa Khan Members BCA_Second_Year
Kush Bhusare Members BCS_Second_Year
Dhanashri Patki Members BCS_Second_Year
Saurabh Dhumal, Members BBA_Third_Year
Shruti Diddi Members BBA_Third_Year
Parth Lokhande, Members
Parth Lokhande, Members BCA_Third_Year
Sakshi Vaishnav Members BCA_Third_Year
Mayur Mahatma Members BCS_Third_Year
Pooja Waghchaure, Members BCS_Third_Year

Various Event Organized By Students Forum

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